Google Chrome Autofill Settings
However, there is no harm with auto filled saved information, but still many users do not like chrome autofill settings and looking to turn off or disable it. In Google Chrome, Autofill Settings are enabled by default. You must have noticed whenever you are online in Chrome and have a form to fill up name, email, phone number, address and you got an option to autofill and once your click on it, all of your information is filled automatically those have been saved by chrome browser.
Google Chrome has the ability to save those details automatically (if auto-fill settings are enabled) or you may have prompted to save details, which you have filled. In addition, it may store your card details into the chrome settings, if you allowed.
NOTE: The steps shown below have been done on Google Chrome Version 59.0.3071.86. If you are using Chrome Version 79 or later then, Click here.
Steps to Disable or Enable Chrome Autofill Option
Hereby, this article will show you gradually guide to Turn ON/OFF (Enable/Disable) Autofill Settings in Google Chrome:
Step 1. Open Google Chrome. Navigate to the Menu Bar (three dots in the top right) and select “Settings”.
Step 2. In the left pane, click main menu of settings to expand, as shown in below image:
Step 3. Now click “Advanced” to expand more options and select “Privacy and Security”.
Step 4. Once you select Privacy and Security, new options will appears on the screen. Scroll the page a bit and under “Passwords and forms” click on Autofill settings.
Step 5. On the next screen, under Autofill settings, you can see by default setting is ON. To make this Turn off/Disable, from the right side, slide the radio button to left and make it off. Once done, close settings tab and start using chrome.
Autofill options have disabled until you will enable it from the settings. To re-enable Autofill settings, slide to right and make it ON/Enable.
Alternatively, reach directly to Chrome autofill settings by copy paste this chrome://settings/autofill to the chrome address bar and hit enter button. Then, follow the instruction given on the step 5 above.
Follow Steps if Using Chrome Version 79 or later:
While Google Chrome is open, Move your mouse cursor to the Menu Bar (three dots in the top right) and click “Settings”. Now, from the left pane select Autofill then, you see options in the right side to change settings for Passwords, Payment methods & Addresses and more. Choose appropriate one according to your need
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