Reset Microsoft Edge
Microsoft Edge, developed by Microsoft Corporation and is a built-in web browser in Windows 10 operating system. In case if you get any problem in edge browser, doing repair or reset Microsoft edge in Windows 10 can resolve its problem.
If you are using a Windows computer, you must be using browsers on it to surfing on the web. There are a number of browsers available over the web such as Mozilla Firefox, Google Chrome, Opera, Safari for Windows, etc.
If you’re in problem with Microsoft Edge then, I am sure, many of you are looking for the easiest way to repair or reset Microsoft Edge. But do you know that repair or reset feature doesn’t available in Windows 10 Creators Update (Ver. 1703)?
This feature is available in Windows 10 Fall Creators Update (Ver. 1709) or later versions (not sure). Hereby, explaining this article to repair, reset Edge as below:
[Read: What’s New in Windows 10 Fall Creators Update?]
How to Repair or Reset Edge Browser?
Step 1. Right-click on Windows Start Menu and select Settings to open Windows 10 Settings App.
Step 2. Navigate to Apps (Uninstall, defaults, optional features) and click on it to open.
Step 3. In the left pane, Apps & features is selected by default. Do not click anywhere else in the right pane.
Go to the right side and under Apps & features, scroll-down the page and look for Microsoft Edge and select it.
Step 4. Once you have selected Microsoft Edge, you will see the Advanced Options, click to open advanced options.
Note: if Advanced option is not available to you then, scroll down this page and follow instructions given to reset Microsoft edge to its default settings through its built-in settings.
Step 5. Now scroll it down a bit and we will have the options to repair or reset Microsoft Edge browser.
NOTE: If you are using any favorites or bookmarks, taking backup of them is recommended, before you start resetting of edge browser. You may lose them once you’re resetting it.
Repairing of Microsoft Edge won’t affect anything on it. Try to repair first and once repair finished, launch edge and see if it’s working fine, if not, doing reset it the best option.
Resetting of Microsoft Edge can remove data, including browsing history, cookies, favorites & bookmarks and any settings that you have made on Edge. Click Reset It will have finished within quick moments.
The moment process is completed, restart your computer to take the settings in place or effect.
Once Windows come back after a reboot, launch Edge browser, it should be working fine and your problem of Microsoft edge isn’t working has been resolved by doing repair or reset option.
Reset Microsoft Edge to Default through built-in Settings
You may not find Advanced options as shown in Step 4 above. This means, your Windows 10 is up to date and that is feature is not available in Windows settings.
Therefore, now we can reset Microsoft edge to its default settings through its built-in settings. Hence, follow below steps:
- Launch Microsoft Edge browser
- Click on Main Menu from the top-right corner of edge and select Settings option from the list.
- Reset settings option is available at the right side of the given list of edge settings page. Click on it
- Click on Restore settings to their default values from the right side panel
- Reset settings dialog box will appear on your screen with a described message that what is gonna happen if you click Reset button
- Read the message carefully and if all fine with you, click on Reset button to reset edge to its default settings.
Still having issues with Microsoft Edge after repairing and resetting it. Follow this post!
Steps to Repair or Reset Microsoft Edge Share on X