Merge Multiple PDF Files
Have you ever thought that you can combine or merge multiple PDF files into one PDF file? Yes, you can easily combine different PDF files into one PDF file by using Adobe Acrobat Pro.
The PDF (Portable Document Format) is the most used format for home and business users. PDF is the most secure approach to sending your documents online through email attachments and cannot be edited in its current format.
The PDF files can be opened in Adobe Acrobat Reader and Pro developed by Adobe Systems. You can download Adobe Acrobat Reader DC for free from the Adobe website and view any PDF files for free.
With Windows 10, you can open and view PDF files using Microsoft Edge Browser as well.
[Read: Download AnyPic JPG to PDF Converter Full Version]
Advantages of Adobe Acrobat XI Pro (Registered Version)
Adobe Acrobat XI Pro comes with many useful tools. This article will show you how you can combine or merge multiple PDF files into one PDF using Adobe Acrobat XI Pro.
Acrobat XI allows you to create PDFs from different format files, edit PDF files, create forms, combine multiple files into PDFs, insert new pages into existing PDF files, add images and texts, allow you to change page designs or insert watermarks and get a document signed, etc.
However, free versions also provide an option to combine pdf files into a single pdf but with limited functionality.
We would recommend you to install a registered version of Adobe Acrobat XI Pro. Haven’t installed Adobe Acrobat XI Pro version so far?
Click here to download and read the installation notes before you start the installation process.
[Read: Download Universal Document Converter 6.4 (Registered Version)]
Combine PDF Files into One PDF
The following steps will show you how you can combine or merge multiple pdf files into one pdf by using Adobe Acrobat XI Pro with a registered version on a Windows PC:
Step 1. Open the Adobe Acrobat XI Pro application. Navigate to the File Menu -> Create -> Combine Files into a Single PDF…
Step 2. A new Combine Files window will open on your screen. You can simply drag and drop your files into this box.
Another option to add PDF files is; click Add Files and provide the PDF file location that you want to combine or merge into a single PDF.
Step 3. Once the selected files are added to the box, click on Combine Files button at the bottom right of this window.
The moment you click on the Combine Files button, within a few seconds, it will quickly merge your PDF files.
For example: I have added 2 different PDF files (named: HP x360 Convertible with 4 pages and Logitech B175 with 5 pages).
Step 4. Merged PDF files will open in Adobe Acrobat XI automatically after the process is completed in the above step.
Finally, you just now need to save this file. To save this combined PDF file, navigate to the File menu -> Save As… and choose the desired location to save and name it while saving it.
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Thanks for reply
First of all thanks. I have downloaded corel x7 from you. One big problem is for me that it works only 5 or 7 days only and then gets expired. I have done steps for this 1st cracked with xforce. 2nd inbound rules. 3rd downloaded patch from other site but nothing works for me. Always getting messege of illegal copy and all options goes disabled. Any solution please
This might happen if you tried and installed Corel several times along with different versions. It seems, the have blocked your IP address to use this copy. Hence, remove all installed versions of Corel restart PC.
Reboot your router or reset network adapter settings
Install once again by using all steps. I am sure it will work.