Earnings at risk – One or more of your sites does not have an ads.txt file. Fix this now to avoid severe impact to your revenue – Solved

Earnings at risk – You need to fix some ads.txt file issues to avoid severe impact to your revenue

If you are using Google AdSense as your publisher (Advertising source) and getting an error message “Earnings at risk – One or more of your sites does not have an ads.txt file. Fix this now to avoid severe impact to your revenue” OR

Earnings at risk – You need to fix some ads.txt file issues to avoid severe impact to your revenue, you need to create ads.txt file and place it in your CPanel to avoid Ad placements issue.

Did you get one of the messages mentioned above on your Google AdSense account? If yes, this means the ads.txt file is important for you to run ads properly.

What is ads.txt?

First, let me tell you about ads.txt file.

Ads.txt or authorized digital sellers is an initiative of IAB (IAB Technology Laboratory) that helps to ensure that the ad placement you are using on your site is sold through authorized sellers (like- AdSense).

In simple words, by placing an ads.txt file on your website cPanel, you are giving permission to the sellers to place ads on your website or blog. The IAB has taken this initiative to prevent Ads fraud activities.

earning at risk - One or more of your sites does not have an ads.txt file

[Solved] Earnings at risk – One or more of your sites does not have an ads.txt file

Create an ads.txt file for Google AdSense and Place it into your Hosting CPanel

IAB Tech Lab launches Ads.txt aggregator as part of ongoing effort to combat Ad fraud

If you are using Ads on your website or blog as a source of your income, it is mandatory to have an ads.txt file placed on your cPanel.

This article will help you to know how you would create ads.txt file, how to place it to WordPress cPanel, and keep using AdSense services without any interruption.

Step 1. Go to your hosting panel (cPanel Admin) and locate File Manager

Step 2. Locate a root directory, such as “Public_html” (in my case) and click + to expand.

  • Then, click File from the toolbar
  • This action will bring you a screen. Type file name ads.txt
  • Click Create New File

sites does not have an ads.txt file

Step 3. We have successfully created ads.txt file in cPanel.

Find and right-click on it, then select Edit to enable settings.

ads.txt file is missing

Step 4. The above action will open up a page for you where you can add or edit text. Now we need to add the following line:

google.com, pub- 9036158272XXXXXX, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0

Finally, click on Save Changes or Save Settings.

Note: Change the publisher ID from 9036158272XXXXXX to yours.

earning at risk error on adsense account

To check your AdSense publisher ID:

  1. Login to your Google AdSense account
  2. From the left panel, navigate to and click on the Account section.
  3. Then, click on Account information
  4. Now, you will see your Publisher ID: pub-9036158272XXXXXX

This is all you need to do in order to fix Earning at risk error from Google AdSense. After a few hours, when your site is crawled by search engines and found ads.txt file is present.

You can test, either ads.txt file is placed correctly by visiting “yourdomainname/ads.txt” and it will show you the placed ads.txt file.

Important Note

I recently got an “earnings at risk” error on my Google AdSense account and by doing the above steps it has resolved successfully. However, it took around 18-20 hours after implementing above settings.

If you are using another Ad network or publisher (such as Media.net, Infolinks, AdBlade, etc.) to display ads to your website or blog, you should contact to your Ad publisher in order to get the right code.

The above tutorial is helpful to you if you are using Google AdSense as your publisher.

Check for more details on the Google Support Page

Fixed - Earnings at risk error on Google AdSense Share on X

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2 thoughts on “Earnings at risk – One or more of your sites does not have an ads.txt file. Fix this now to avoid severe impact to your revenue – Solved

  1. Without ads.txt my revenue drops down to half afterwards I started using ads.txt but my actual earning money doesn’t revert back. 🙁

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