Where is the Control Panel for Windows 10? How to Find Control Panel in Windows 10?

Control Panel in Windows 10

This is the most common question for Windows 10 users. Where is the control panel in Windows 10? How do I find a control panel for Windows 10?

Since Windows 10 launched, the old control panel has been replaced with the Windows Settings App (Win + I). However, the old control panel still exists in Windows 10.

But due to lack of information, users cannot find it easily. If so, do you know how to open the control panel in Windows 10?

The Windows Control Panel is the most important element of a Microsoft Windows operating system.

It contains a set of applications that can help to control, change or add and remove hardware and software functions.

control panel in windows 10

In other words, I would say that there are multiple ways to open the control panel on Windows 10 desktops and laptops.

Hereby, to answer your question above, where is the control panel located in Windows 10? Keep reading this article and you will see easy ways to open the control panel in Windows 10.

How to Launch a Control Panel for Windows 10?

In our research, we came to know that there are many ways to open the control panel in Windows 10.

In conclusion, we are here with a few of them easing tricks to launch a control panel for you.

Note: Make sure your Windows 10 is up-to-date. If it’s not updated yet, then follow the path and get it updated. If it’s not updated, maybe a few of the tricks won’t work on your system.

Windows 10 Update path:

  1. Press Win + I from your keyboard to open the Windows Settings App
  2. Click Update & Security
  3. Select Windows update from the left pane
  4. Click Check for updates

Here are the options below wherein you can easily access the control panel in Windows 10:

Certainly, there are many other options available to do this task, but we find above five (5) easy to use and access.

Hereby, we will describe all the above one-by-one so you can follow them easily and set your desire one to open Windows 10 control panel.

Open the Control Panel using Run Command

Self-explanatory, see below how you can open the control panel with an easy Run command

  • Press Win + R to open the Run dialog box
  • Type, control and hit the OK button or Enter from your keyboard

access control panel using run command in windows 10

The above action will immediately open the Windows control panel on your screen.

Add and Access Control Panel from the Win + X Menu

Yes, you can add a control panel shortcut in the Win + X menu and access the Windows 10 control panel anytime by just doing a single click on it.

This is just a one time setup that you need to do and then, use it anytime when you need

Follow this dedicated article:

How to Show the Control Panel in Win + X Menu of Windows 10?

access control panel from the Win + X menu

Launch the Control Panel from Desktop Right-click Menu

This is another trick by which you can add a control panel to the right-click menu in your Windows 10, but first, you need to set up once in your Windows 10.

Here is how you can do it. Read the article below for an easy setup:

Add Control Panel Shortcut to Right-click Menu

add control panel to the desktop right click menu

Control Panel in Windows 10 Search Menu

Windows 10 also has a built-in search feature. If you search for the control panel in Windows 10 search options, it will show you the result.

This is considered the fastest way to open the Windows 10 control panel.

Here is how you can proceed to open the control panel from Windows search:

  • Click on the Search option in the bottom-left corner of Windows 10
    Hint – just besides the Windows 10 start menu
    Alternatively, Press Win + S from the keyboard
  • Type in, control panel
  • Now click on the Control Panel as shown in the search result

find control panel from Windows 10 search

Add Control Panel to Desktop Icons

This should be a bit lengthy process, but once you set it up, it can be very easy to open with a single click.

In this process, we will place a control panel shortcut icon on the Windows desktop where you can click and open it.

Follow the steps below:

  • Press Win + I to launch the Windows Settings App
  • Click on Personalization
  • Select Themes from the left pane
  • Finally, click on the Desktop icon settings from the right side

desktop icon settings in windows 10

The above action will immediately launch the Desktop Icon Settings window on your screen.

You just need to check the box of the Control Panel and click Apply and OK to save the settings.

 create control panel shortcut to desktop icons

The moment you click on Apply and OK to save the settings, a shortcut to the control panel is created on your desktop screen.

Now when you need it, just double click on the icon and it will bring up the control panel items in front of you.

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2 thoughts on “Where is the Control Panel for Windows 10? How to Find Control Panel in Windows 10?

  1. I love windows 10 , Thank very much , you are awesome , I have learnt a lot from your blog ,keep going

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