Show Chrome Home Button
Google Chrome is an internet-based web browser designed and developed by Google LLC as well all know. The initial release of Google Chrome browser is for Microsoft Windows in 2008 later on it is available for Mac OS, Android, iOS and Linux as well. As per the recent survey of StatCounter in April 2019, chrome has 70%+ users all over the world that includes all supported devices. This article is dedicated to whom those want to enable or show chrome home button.
The Google Chrome home button is disabled by default. If chrome home button is enabled, you can see it right before address bar of Chrome. Having a home button makes easier to reach our desired website or search engine. Just for an example, I like “Google” as my home page. Therefore, whenever I click on chrome home button, it takes me on Google search page.
Where is Chrome Home Button? How to Enable?
Whenever we install Google Chrome in our computer, chrome home button is always disabled by default. We can enable or show chrome home button from Google Chrome’s settings. Follow the steps given below and enable the home button on Google Chrome:
Note: Make sure your chrome browser is up-to-date. If not updated, do it now. The steps you will see in this post to enable chrome home button was done on Chrome Version 74.0.3729.131 and still working with Version 80.0.3987.87. Show or Hide Chrome Home Button Share on X
Step 1. Open Google Chrome, from the top-right, locate and click on “Chrome Menu” (3 vertical dots) then, select “Settings”.
Or, you can open chrome settings directly from a chrome address bar by typing chrome://settings/ and then, hit Enter from the keyboard.
Step 2. The Google Chrome settings page will on your screen now. Scroll bit down and locate “Appearance” that contains few options and one of them is show home button.
Hence, toggle the slider to the right to show chrome home button on Google Chrome toolbar at the top. Once you slide the button to the right, it will enable the home button for chrome.
Turning on the chrome home button enables you the options to choose “New Tab page” or “Enter custom web address”. The choice is yours. Make your selection and now on whenever you will click on home button you will get the home page.
Disable or Hide Chrome Home Button
To disable or hide the home button from Google Chrome, follow given step 1 and step 2 above and toggle to slider to the left and home button from chrome will be hidden or disabled. Show or Hide Chrome Home Button Share on X