Download Apple iTunes for Windows and Mac Computers

Download Apple iTunes

I am sure you will be wondering if you download Apple iTunes which you will get by the end of this article for sure.

I would recommend you to go through the history and other aspects of iTunes before you download it.

History of iTunes

Initially, Casady & Greene invented SoundJam MP in 1998. In January 2001, the first version of iTunes was launched as a Jukebox software that is easy to use for users.

SoundJam MP also has a nice user interface along with the ability to remove its recording feature and to burn CD’s, etc.

Apple later purchased it in 2000 and renamed its name to iTunes.

What is iTunes?

iTunes was first announced in January 2001 by Apple Inc.

iTunes is a popular music player, mobile device management, media library, and internet radio broadcaster application. Initially, only Apple devices supported it.

Later on, in 2003, Apple released iTunes for Windows as well. iTunes is even available on the Microsoft Store as well from April 2018 for Windows 10 and supported devices.

iTunes uses it to play music files, download and manage music and video files purchased through the Apple iTunes store.

You can download and install iTunes to your personal computers running with Windows and MAC operating system.

In addition, iTunes allows users to manage their Apple devices from iTunes by connecting via USB cable (for example: iPhones, tablets, smartwatch, etc.).

You can play online music, movies, and TV shows by taking their subscription based plans. As of now, the latest version of iTunes is version 12.9.1.

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Download Apple iTunes for Free

As you know, very well Apple iTunes is available for both MacOS and Windows platforms.

By using the following links you can download the latest version of iTunes for your desired operating system.

Download Apple iTunes for Windows

     Windows 32-Bit OS                      Windows 64-Bit OS




Download Apple iTunes for MacOS

download apple itunes

Advanced Feature List on iTunes

Apart from its jukebox function, iTunes provides some advanced features in it. There are a lot of features available on iTunes that users are unknown about.

Most of the users use iTunes just to play music, but there are a lot things apart from playing music files.

Check out the list of its media management systems below:

Smart Playlist, Ping, Auto syncing, Genius, Home sharing, Videos, Audiobooks, Editing ID3 tags, iTunes store, Library sharing, Artwork printing, Sound processing, Apps, Internet radio and music streaming, iPhone activation, Podcasts.

You may check the brief description of the above iTunes advanced feature list anytime.

System Requirements for Windows OS

  • Intel processor with a minimum 1 GHz or AMD processor
  • RAM at least 512 MB
  • Internet connection required to use Apple music
  • Window 7 or later operating system
  • 500 MB free disk space required

System Requirements for Mac OS

  • Intel processor required
  • Mac OS version 10.10.5 (Yosemite) or later
  • Screen resolution of 1024×768 or greater
  • Disk space required at least 500 MB
  • Internet connection required to use Apple music
Easy Way to Download Apple iTunes Share on X

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4 thoughts on “Download Apple iTunes for Windows and Mac Computers

  1. hello, im tried itunes 32 bit downloading. however, pc me said “that sort file your computer to harmful maybe.” what making shall?

  2. This blog comprises both modes of iTunes downloading for mac as well as windows as downloading iTunes is a big problem sometimes it brings a lot of files but in this article, it described so completely.

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