9 Different Tricks to Open Task Manager in Windows 7 and Later Versions

How to Open Windows Task Manager?

Windows Task Manager is one of the best features of Microsoft Windows. Therefore, here we come with nine (9) different ways to open Task Manager in Windows.

Follow the methods given below.

Using the task manager, you may troubleshoot several problems on your windows PC. This includes current processing software’s, computer performance, app history, windows startup settings, services, etc.

Windows task manager is an amazing tool to diagnose and resolve certain issues like computer freezing issues. Most technical people use Windows task manager to resolve so many problems.

This will even work on startups with certain commands if your computer has a startup problem or somehow windows does not start properly.

However, for a normal computer user, it is very hard to get Windows task manger in such cases, I would say, several users don’t know how to find Windows Task Manager?

It does not matter if you are using a Laptop or Desktop, the following commands will work:

Note: Other than Method 4 on Windows 7 and Windows 8.1, all of the below methods will work on Windows 7 and later on Windows versions including Windows 11 as well.

9 Different Ways to Launch Task Manager in Windows

Method 1: By Using Hotkeys, Ctrl + Alt + Delete

If you want to bring up Windows task manager, just use the key combination of Ctrl + Alt + Delete and you will get a screen to choose options, select Task Manager from the listed options.

Method 2: By Using Hotkeys, Ctrl + Shift + Esc

This is the fastest way to open Windows Task Manager in any version of Windows. Most of the techies use this method.

Use Ctrl + Shift + Esc and see Task Manager on your screen.

Method 3: By Using Taskbar

This is another cool and easy trick to open Windows Task Manager.

By doing just a right-click on the empty space on your Taskbar, you will see the option, just select Task Manager.

Method 4: By Using Power User Menu

On Windows 10, to open the power user menu, press Win + X and you will see the power user menu options.

Click on Task Manager to open.

Method 5: By Using Search Bar

To find the search box, just click on the Windows Start Menu, and once it appears, just type task manager.

It will automatically go to the search bar. Once you see the results at the top, just select Task Manager.

Method 6: By Using Run Dialog Box

To open the Run dialog box, press Win + R from your keyboard.

Once it appears, type taskmgr command and then click the OK button to open it.

Method 7: By Using Command Prompt

If you are diagnosing or troubleshooting your PC and you are in command prompt windows and want to open Windows Task Manager.

Simply type taskmgr on the command prompt and hit the Enter button to launch Task Manager.

Method 8: By Using System32 folder
Method 9: By Using File Explorer

Open This PC shortcut icon (Windows Explorer) from your desktop screen.

For Windows 10, if you do not see This PC icon on your screen, click here.

Alternatively, press Win + E to open File Explorer.

Type the command taskmgr in its address bar and then press the Enter key.

9 Different Ways to Launch Task Manager on Windows Share on X

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