Windows 10 Version 1903, What’s New in Windows 10 May 2019 Update? Codename 19H1

After the successful implementation of Windows 10 October update also known as Codename Redstone 5, version 1809 (know more about the version 1809 update) which had come up many new features and enhancements. Now Microsoft has released most awaiting updates of Windows 10 version 1903 in May 2019. The Codename of the version 1903 during its development is 19H1.

How to update Windows 10 to version 1903?

To download and upgrade your Windows 10 to May 2019 update, you need to launch “Windows 10 Settings App”. Locate and click on Update & Security -> Windows update.

Most probably, you will have an option to “Download and install now” for feature update to Windows 10, version 1903 under Windows update to the right pane (check below image for reference). If not, click on Check for updates button and it will come up with the latest updates of your Windows 10.

NOTE: Download and install process for version 1903 update can take up to 12 hours. When I updated, it took me around 11 hours to complete this update process though I have a high-speed internet connection.

Your computer will get slow down while downloading updates and restart multiple times during the installation of the downloaded updates. Make sure your laptop charger is plugged-in during the Windows 10 update process

Windows 10 Version 1903 – New Features

This article, especially list out the major features list for May 2019 update, also known as Windows 10 version 1903 update. There is one more advantage of this update; it will fix all bugs that comes in previous cumulative updates to Windows 10.

Windows 10 Light Theme

This update includes new Windows 10 light theme in it. Earlier, Microsoft has enabled light & dark mode option in its previous update. In this update, you can switch to Windows 10 light theme. By enabling this, it will make everything light.

To enable Windows (light) theme, open Windows 10 Settings -> Personalization -> Themes -> select Windows (light). The moment you click, will immediate effect and everything will be in the light.

Windows Search bar and Cortana

In this version update, Microsoft has separated Windows search bar and Cortana from each other. Until this update, they both were combined.

Windows Search Bar – Windows search bar is located next to the Windows start menu. It allows you to search programs, files, pictures and web results (on Bing) etc. Checkout New Feature List of Windows 10 May 2019 Update Share on X

Cortana – In Windows 10, Microsoft introduced ‘Cortana’ a virtual assistant for users, which can take voice commands. It has ability to set reminders and search programs within a machine or give a search result of the Bing search engine.

Acrylic Effect on Sign-in Screen

This is quite interesting for me and I really like this update. Previously, wherever a user gets a sign-in screen, it’s hard to find where to type the password because of the fluent screen design. But now, in the version 1903 update, acrylic effect is introduced that can help you to focus to the login box due to its translucent texture design.

Brightness Bar Added on Action Center

In the past, you must be using brightness button to adjust screen brightness that allows only four levels of brightness. After updating your Windows 10 to version 1903, screen brightness can be adjusted quickly by using a slider in Windows 10 action center.

Notifications & Actions

Now Windows 10 notifications & action feature is more enhanced after version 1903 update in Windows 10. Once your Windows is updated, you may quickly edit your quick action settings that allow you to add or remove quick action buttons. Check below image for reference:

Internet Connectivity transparency

In this version update, Windows 10 will let you know that internet is connected of not. Whenever, your Windows 10 will lose the internet connectivity, for any reason, network icon (right on taskbar) will be changed as shown in below image:

In addition, Windows 10 version 1903 update also provides:

Checkout New Feature List of Windows 10 May 2019 Update Share on X

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