Skype Error msvcp140.dll is Missing
Users are encountering a new issue with Skype or many of you may be are getting the same Skype error MSVCP140.dll is missing from your computer. Mostly, this comes up every time you open Skype
This usually happens due to broken or missing files in the Skype installation directory for some reason. Or it could be Microsoft C++ Redistributable is missing or not functioning on your Windows.
Skype is a well-known app to do voice and video calls along with text conversations on the internet. It can be used between computers, Mobile devices, Tablets, etc using the internet.
For awareness, Skype was founded by Janus Friis and Niklas Zennstrom in 2003. Later in 2011, Skype was acquired by Microsoft and now all the services for Skype are provided by Microsoft only.
How to Fix Skype Error MSVCP140.dll Missing File?
If you are getting the error MSVCP140.dll is missing from your computer, then make sure you have the following on your Windows computer:
- If using Windows 7 then, it should have installed Service Pack 1. If not, refer to Windows update
- Should have installed Microsoft Visual Studio C++ Redistributable 2015 or later. Click here
Sometimes, doing the uninstall and reinstall of the Skype app may fix this error. By doing this, Skype will install the required files to its installation directory. If won’t work, try the solution given below:
This method may not work on every operating system. We need to manually download the missing files and place them in the Skype directory.
Click here to download the MSVCP140.dll file
- Once the download is finished, locate or navigate to downloaded MSVCP140.dll file.
- Right-click and copy MSVCP140.dll
- Navigate to this path, C:\ProgramFiles\Skype\Phone or C:\ProgramFiles(x86)\Skype\Phone
- Now, right-click on the free space and select Paste
Try now to open Skype, it should be working. Incase you get another error VCRUNTIME140.dll is missing
Click here and download VCRUNTIME140.dll.
Once downloaded, locate the file and copy it to the same Skype directory (C:\ProgramFiles\Skype\Phone or C:\ProgramFiles(x86)\Skype\Phone) as above.
Hopefully, Skype will work fine now.
Just incase there is still a possibility of another error api-ms-win-crt-runtime-l1-1-0.dll is missing from your computer.
So don’t worry. Click here to download the zip file. It is a package of so many .dll files.
Extract the downloaded zip file contents to the location C:\ProgramFiles\Skype\Phone or C:\ProgramFiles(x86)\Skype\Phone depending where you had copied MSVCP140.dll and VCRUNTIME140.dll.
The above arrangements will fix the Skype error MSVCP140.dll for sure. That’s all need to do.
Skype should now be open and working fine.
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